Friday, February 15, 2013

Cold Calling Tips

Yes... these are very basic, but they are crucial!

1. Be a good listener
2. Take notes as you talk with your contact.
3. Stay on track.
4. Concentrate on what you say, how you say it and the tone of your voice.
5. Turn a negative response into a sales advantage.
6. Never apologize for calling.
7. Explain your offer in clear terms with WIIFM (what’s in it for me) to the buyer in the forefront.
8. Write a script or checklist to follow during the call.
9. Smile while you are speaking to the potential client; it comes across the phone line.
10. Record your side of the conversation so you can review it later.

1 comment:

  1. The #1 tip should definitely be at the top list. Don’t keep the other party repeating what he/she had just said. If you don’t want them to put the phone down just because of this, then be attentive and listen carefully to everything he/she is saying. -Ruby Chelmsford
