Thursday, December 1, 2011

Roman's Tips For Managers - Part #3

23. Lead a healthy lifestyle focused on weight control and exercise.
24. Be a positive roll model for others.
25. Never underestimate the competition.
26. Never tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.
27. Remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
28. When in doubt, trust your intuition.
29. Be confident and comfortable, but not complacent.
30. Keep your ear to the company grapevine.
31. Recognize that no one is indispensible.
32. Take your job very seriously but don’t take yourself too seriously.
33.  Don’t do it because it feels good; do it because it’s right!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Roman's Tips For Managers - Part #2

12. Be curious and open-minded.
13. Be an active listener.
14. Be a mentor to someone on the way up.
15. Celebrate the personal and professional accomplishments of your staff.
16. Use “we” rather than “I” when talking about the firm.
17. Keep all promises.  Don’t promise more than you can deliver.
18. Strive for total quality/continuous improvement at all times.
19. Look at problems as opportunities.
20. Bring more humor into your company.
21. Use the K.I.S.S. principle (keep it simple... stupid) whenever possible.
22. Say “I don’t know” when you don’t.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Roman's Tips For Managers - Part #1

1.  Stand behind your staff in times of stress and crisis.
2.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.
3.  Be especially considerate to front-line staff.
4.  Dress for success.  Look professional.
5.  Improve your oral communication skills.
6.  Praise in public.  Criticize in private.
7.  Carefully manage your time.  Its your scarcest and least renewable resource.
8.  Remember:  Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down.
9.  Don’t ask someone to do something you wouldn’t do yourself.
10. Remember, friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
11. Maintain an optimistic outlook.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Discussion Points For Meetings - #8

1. The written agreement/contract for an event needs to explain what is going to happen as well as what might happen.  

2. When sending proposals and bids, always give the client a deadline to guarantee the quoted prices and date selection. After the deadline for a client's response, everything starts from the beginning.        

3. You will sell more catering when your marketing messages demonstrate what your catering will do for your client and their guest not just what your catering is.

4. Happy staff are not necessarily productive staff.

5. In case of accidents or illness, an event manager should have emergency phone numbers to call to alert company management and also the injured staff person’s family.

6. Have you checked and serviced your trucks and vans lately? 
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