Friday, January 20, 2012

Run-Out Buffets Are Neat

Often corporations have satellite offices or situations where no permanent foodservice exists for employees. The possible sales volume at these locations just doesn’t warrant the investment of a permanent foodservice operation.

The run-out buffet is made for this situation because it lets a corporation offer foodservice without a large investment of capital. As the name implies, the caterer is protected because whatever they bring to be used for meals is used up and no waste or leftovers are possible.

The corporation either pays the caterer for all the food or the caterer is permitted by the corporation to sell directly to employees. Employees are told that the new foodservice is always going to sell out, so they need to come early to purchase it. Because these employees have not had any quality foodservice, they are happy with the arrangement. As the caterer learns how much food can be sold, the amount brought to the location can slowly be increased.

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