Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Think “Maybe” Before Making A Decision

When a prospect asks, “Can I pay my deposit in three payments?” never say “yes” without thinking about it. When a staff member asks,“May I have a raise?” never say “yes” without thinking about it. When you yourself are wondering about buying a new delivery vehicle, always ask yourself if you really need it or if there is another way to solve the problem. Try thinking, “Maybe.”
Requests for donations of food or money also need additional thought. Saying “yes” too quickly often leads to problems. Owners and managers need to take time to analyze the full impact of any decisions they are about to make.
Perhaps the best use of the word “maybe” is in response to a prospect’s question, “Are you available May 15?” If you answer “yes” too quickly, it may appear that you are not busy and are in need of as much business that you are able to book. It’s better to tell the prospect that business is doing so well that you will need to check your calendar to make sure that you are available, or “maybe.”

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