Monday, July 16, 2012

Food Allergies, Religious Requirements and Dietary Restrictions

It is your responsibility to ask clients about guests’ special food requirements. The problem is that hosts may not know all the guests who are coming to the event, let alone their food preferences or allergies. Still, you must actively make the client aware that some menu items don’t work for some guests.
Dangerous reactions from certain food ingredients, lack of vegetarian food choices, or a menu that is not respectful to the religious beliefs of guests are just a few of the concerns you must be prepared to deal with for events. You must continually educate yourself on these different concerns. Most of the answers and solutions can be found through Google searches.
Nuts of any kind can be deadly to some guests. It is safer to simply keep nuts out of recipes. In some cases, you can place nuts on the buffet table next to a particular item that would be enhanced by them. This makes it each guest’s decision as to whether to add nuts or not. The same technique could be used for spicy menu items. Instead of deciding how hot an item should be, place various sauces next to the item so the guests can take the spiciness to the level of their choice.

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