Thursday, May 24, 2012

Roman On Pricing #2

Here are some cool scripts to use when you hear a prospect say "Your prices are higher than the other caterers I've spoken with!"

“When a caterer doesn’t have any track record, they usually offer lower prices, which results in lower levels of experience and food quality that foster much more risk for embarrassment to the host.”

Yes, we are one of the more expensive catering companies in town, but we also have the most clients—so we really must be doing something right.”

"Yes, Ms. Weaver, we have higher prices, but we stand behind everything we do. You won't have nay complaints. mishaps, or failures when using us."

"We are very professional Ms. Weaver, and we really don't expect to sell everyone. We need to charge prices that permit us to maintain the professional staff and high standards of the ABC Catering Company."

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