Friday, June 8, 2012

Handling Incoming Phone Calls

1. No “technology handling” during business hours.
2. The selling begins with the first voice they hear.
3. Who answers the call sets the stage.
4. Give your name… don’t ask names and other personal info too quickly.
5. “Sellucate” as you give and get info from the shopper… don’t interrogate.
6. Qualification is important. Are they buyers and can you sell them something?
a. This is where you ask info and attitude questions.
b. This is where you decide your next steps assuming you keep going - “go” or “no-go”.
c. The first 180 seconds can make or break a sale.
d. Remember: It’s more about how they answer the questions rather than what they answer.
e. “From what you’ve shared with me so far, I can confidently say that we...”
f. “I need to locate Bob Smith for you to speak with because he specializes in...”
g. “Before I transfer you to him I just want to tell you a little about Bob.”

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